Donald Trump is energizing and empowering members of the far-right for his potential 2024 presidential run. Simultaneously, he’s trying to reward his most loyal supporters by getting them elected to offices up and down the ballot in 2022, while trying to free the insurrectionists who attempted to topple our democracy.
We cannot allow Trump and Republicans to elect candidates who are dedicated to suppressing the voices and rights of our communities.
The only thing worse than Trump running for President again is the fact that there are folks trying to emulate his harmful policies who are running for Congress. Those elections are just a few months away, and it seems like these candidates are only gaining more momentum among Trump’s loyalist base.
We don’t want to be staring dumbfounded at election results in November wishing that we could have done more to prevent candidates propped up by white supremacists from getting elected. Already, we’ve seen that Trump loyalists are trying to strip away our reproductive and voting rights in states across the country, and we cannot let their efforts succeed at the national level.
That’s why we’re in this fight together to guarantee that Trump and his sycophants do not rack up wins against our communities and our interests.
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